This project is less than a month old, as it was added to crypto ratings. On February 20, 2025, the price of the Pi coin was $0.61. And already 6 days later, or more precisely on February 26, the Pi coin could be sold for $3. It managed to rise in price 5 times in such a short period of time. Today, March 7, 2025, the Pi coin is trading around $1.80.
What will be the price of Pi at the end of 2025?
Let's analyze how Bitcoin behaved during the same period of time and draw conclusions. So, starting from February 20, 2025, the price of the first cryptocurrency was $98 thousand. And already on February 26, at the time of the mega rise in price of the Pi coin, the price of Bitcoin collapsed to 86 thousand. It remains a mystery why the Pi coin rose at that moment. If the Pi coin does not follow the market trends, when all the coins are falling, and it shows growth, then there is only one conclusion - this coin is being manipulated. This means that it can rise in price at any moment and also collapse without any reason. This is a mega-risky asset and we do not recommend buying it for a large amount. Therefore, it is not possible to predict the future rate of the Pi coin. This is a purely speculative coin, without any connection to the rate of the first cryptocurrency.